YWAM SBS Packing List

What do I really need To Pack for SBS?

Packing List

One of the most frequently asked questions we get questions we get asked is -

"What should I pack for SBS?"

Packing Lists are helpful, but we decided we wanted to make this an experience to remember, rather than a chore to forget. So we decided to help you and created a SBS packing list for you.


The Bare Necessities

1. Passport Valid for at least 6 months AFTER SBS (Very important if you want to travel at all!)

2. Bible, notebook, pens, pencils and a personal journal. (An ESV study bible will be provided together with basic stationary)

3. Bring your own bedding.

4. Personal toiletries and towel. (Most items can be bought from a local supermarket nearby.)

5. Water Bottle

6. Sunscreen/Sun Block

7. Sunglasses (For the beach or when you encounter God)

8. Toiletries (Most items can be brought from a local supermarket nearby)


According to the season you are coming, please plan to dress accordingly. This is not a one-size-fits-all guideline because of the unpredictability of Muizenberg’s weather, but it would be wisest to have a generic plan.

Optional Items

1. Electronic devices (Cell phone, camera/laptop and their respective chargers.) We suggest you bring as few expensive items as possible. They are brought at your own risk!

2. Umbrella (ella, ella, eh, eh!)

3. Hairdryer, razors, personal care devices.

4. Flashlight (Essential for sunrise hikes).

5. Personal medication and dietary supplements. (Our local pharmacy is a 5-min walk from the Base)

6. Musical Instruments

7. Accessories